Posts Tagged ‘Masters Of Horror


Masters of Horror Anthology – author interview Jennifer Brozek

Interview with Jennifer Brozek
Interview originally posted at Catherine Mede Writes

Jennifer Brozek is a freelance author for many RPG companies including Margaret Weis Productions, Rogue Games and Catalyst Game Labs. Her contributions to RPG sourcebooks include Dragonlance, Colonial Gothic, Shadowrun, Serenity and White Wolf SAS. She has also co-authored three books including Dragonvarld Adventures with Margaret Weis. Author of In a Gilded Light (Dark Quest Books, 6/2010), she is published in several anthologies, is the creator and editor of the semiprozine, The Edge of Propinquity, and is a submissions editor for the Apex Book Company. When she is not writing her heart out, she is gallivanting around the Pacific Northwest in its wonderfully mercurial weather. Jennifer is a member of Broad Universe, SFWA and HWA. She also blogs on a regular basis on LiveJournal –

Jennifer contributed “Cost of Job Security” to the Masters of Horror Anthology. I asked her some questions about writing and inspiration.

Where did you come up with the idea for the story in the anthology?

My husband and I were at GenCon in 2008. Our hotel was connected to the convention center but only through the intervening mall. Late one night, we headed back to our hotel to discover that while the door between the convention center and the mall was open, the door between the mall and the hotel was closed and locked. By the time we got back to the convention center, that door was also closed and locked. My husband, being the intrepid sort led me through the “employees only” back halls to find an exit. The contrast between the shiny stores and the dingy back hallways suck with me. Eventually, “The Cost of Job Security” blossomed in my mind.

What is it about your main character that you like? Dislike?

In my mind, the main character in this story is Mark, the head security guard. He’s worked at the mall for years and he knows that the mall consumes someone 4-5 times a year. I like the fact that he has made peace with his situation. In his mind, he really has no other choice. All he knows is that his mall eats people and while he works there, he is safe. What I don’t like is the fact that he is not willing to go beyond that. Part of me thinks of him as someone who gives up easily. Then again, it is hard to combat something as esoteric as a mall that eats people.

What made you write a horror story?

I am the kind of author who writes my demons away. If something bothers me, I write a story about it. Once on the page, whatever was bothering me leaves me alone. I also like to write out “what if” stories. As it happens, I have a very twisted sense of the world. I can see monsters in everyday things.

What inspires you in your writing?

Literally everything. It is hard to answer this question in a meaningful way. In my forthcoming collection, In a Gilded Light: 105 Tales of the Macabre (Dark Quest Books, May 2010), I put down my inspiration for the story at the bottom. Everything from a late handyman to a song to a bowl of soup to a detour sign inspired me to write a story.

How long have you been writing?

Professionally and getting paid for it? 6 or 7 years. But I’ve been writing stories for much longer than that. I started with RPG reviews, moved into magazine fiction and RPG world building and now I do fiction, editing, RPG world building and anything else that catches my fancy.

Why do you write?

Why does anyone do anything? I write because I love to write and because I have stories to tell.

What horror books / authors do you like / respect / admire?

The top of my list of favorite authors are Stephen King and Neil Gaiman. I want to become their literary unholy love child. Following them is a plethora of authors: Steve Perry (Matadora series), Dean Koontz (Odd Thomas series), Seanan McGuire (Toby Daye series), Cherie Priest (Eden Moore series), Michael Moorcock (Elric series) and the list goes on. Between my husband and me, we own well over a thousand books. Also, Ellen Datlow is a favorite editor of dark/horror anthologies


First review of my short story

I received this review from a woman who recently purchased the Masters of Horror Anthology. My story “Once Seen” is included in the collection. Tia L. Brink had this to say about my story:

Once Seen by Jason Warden is a must read for any fan of Lovecraftian lore and Cthulhu mythos. I have read the story several times already and been blown away each time by the way Warden so easily draws you in, unsuspecting, then traps you in the same mental maze the main character is in. It’s hard to tell where reality leaves off and insanity takes over.

In this story, a lone artist is made vulnerable by his obsessive desire to create, frustration at not being able to do so and a certain amount of guilt over past events. He locks himself away from the outside world searching for inspiration within his deceased parents home.

In the quiet, basement of the house, with little to distract him, he finds the inspiration he’s been seeking. Or rather, it finds him. Aided by the artists degrading emotional state, the way is made clear for something to begin influencing him. Controlling him. Some unfathomable entity, ancient beyond time, willing the works progress from somewhere beyond our perception. One which is determined to cross that plane into our world.

The artist, weakening both physically and mentally, becomes absorbed in the work at the same time it is absorbing him. He realizes the piece he’s creating will become a portal at it’s completion. Some small fading voice in his mind shouts warnings of doom but he is beyond hearing it. Or perhaps he’s only unwilling to hear. The allure of the unimaginable power and mystery of his would be master is too great.

Rather than being just a passive witness to this account, the reader gets to join the artist on his descent into madness. Wardens clean, flowing style gently pulls you in, the tension builds and soon you have no more will to escape than the artist. You have to know what’s going to happen. Will it be the end of all mankind? Or just one man?

Thank you Tia for taking the time. It is greatly appreciated.



Masters of Horror Anthology available for purchase

The Masters of Horror Anthology which contains my story “Once Seen” as well as many other great stories is now available. The print version doesn’t come out till the end of April. but the digital version of the book is available now from Smashwords for $1.99. It’s available in several formats including PDF, Kindle, LRM (sony), E-Pub, PDB (Palm) as well as others. Check it out if you are so inclined. You can get it here


Video trailer for The Masters of Horror Anthology

Something the editors of Triskaideka Books put together for the release. The book is due out in late April. I think however, the e-book is going on sale much sooner. I should have a definite date on it very soon.


Masters of Horror Anthology update

I heard from many people asking when the anthology is coming out. I just received an exciting update and wanted to share it with you.

1) We are currently line-editing
2) First proof is expected in early April
3) 18 people have graciously offered reviews. In an effort to spread the word about the authors involoved in this anthology and the anthology its self please feel free to spread the reviews on your blogs, facebook, and more. I will post them here as they as they come in.
4) Lee Pletzers, the editor, is in the process of creating a book video as well as a page on the
Triskaideka Books site for the MoH anthology.

I’ll pass along more info as I get it, and if you still want more info now, check the previous posts on this


Masters of Horror Full Cover with Roster of Authors

This is the final roster for the Anthology, not necessarily in order of appearance. Publication is tentatively set for the second week in March. I think I speak for every one in saying it is an honor to be involved in the project, and we hope you’ll look for it when it is available. ****Update**** via Lee Pletzer – editor for Triskaideka Books. We will print and release via lulu for print books. Because Triskaideka is not located in the US, nor has a US ID # they can’t get the Print book on Amazon, but can get the e-book versions on Amazon via Kindle and Smashwords. The lulu version books will be priced to sell

The Roster now reflects the order in which the stories will appear.
*****Due to minor setback the release has been pushed back to late April. ******

1. Joseph Mulak ————– Wounds
2. Angel McCoy————– The Barnes Family Reunion
3. Carole Gill——————-Truth Hurts
4. Cassie Hart —————– Its All in the Cards
5. Marty Young ————–Fireflies of the Bushfire
6. Jennifer Brozek ———– Cost of Job Security
7. Scott M. Goriscak———- Home Sweet Home
8. Karen Johnson Mead —– One Day
9. Lee Pletzers—————- Teeth
10. Bob Morgan Jr————- Ladies of the Scale
11. KK  —————————Visitation
12. Larry Kokko ————— The Clifton house
13. Jason Warden—————Once Seen
14. William Cook ————– Devil Inside
15. Richard Barnes ———— Something Unpleasant
16. Mark Edward Hall———-The Fear

Cover art by Robert Elrod


Masters of Horror, Cover and Details

Some of my closer friends and fans already know, but it struck me that many didn’t or wouldn’t unless I just kept saying it, which i would be glad to do but it just sounds like bragging. So I’m putting this out there for once and for all. I’ll give more details as I get them.

My short story “Once Seen”, a Lovecraftian horror tale, has been selected for publication by Triskaideka Books for their upcoming Masters Of Horror Anthology. I’ve had people ask me, when they find out I’m a writer, why I don’t publish my own stuff on the podcast, and the reason is, I always felt like it was cheating somehow. I just simply wanted to have my stuff accepted by someone else, perhaps to validate my time and effort, and perhaps because I just simply worried I was too close to the stories and couldn’t be fair to myself or the listeners.

In short I’m really excited that my story was selected for the anthology, I don’t have a release date as of yet, but here is what I do know. The authors selected will split the royalties evenly, and it will be made available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and a few other places. It will be available as a standard print book, e-book and also as a Kindle download. That’s all I know for now, the contract, from my understanding is on the way. I’ll update everyone later. Here is the cover for the book, I personally think it is perfect.


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